COAG Consultation Regulation Impact Statement – Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency
On 26 May 2015, the Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA) released a consultation Regulation Impact Statement (RIS) examining options for the use of Intense Pulsed Light sources (IPLs) and Lasers for Cosmetic or Beauty Therapy. Lasers and Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) sources are devices used for a range of cosmetic purposes such as removing hair, tattoos, birthmarks, various skin lesions or reducing the visibility of skin pigmentation. Use of lasers or IPLs devices can potentially mask unrecognised or undiagnosed symptoms of skin cancers or result in burns, blistering, scarring and permanent retinal damage. The Consultation RIS considers options for government intervention to reduce the incidents of serious injury among people receiving commercial treatment including educational awareness, self-regulation by industry/industry accreditation scheme and licensing (or registration) of service providers based on prior qualification and training. ARPANSA will accept submissions on this proposal up to 31 July 2015. The Consultation RIS has been prepared by ARPANSA, and assessed as adequate by the Office of Best Practice Regulation under COAG best practice regulation guidelines.