COAG Decision Regulation Impact Statement – Food Standards Australia New Zealand
On 17 September 2015, Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) approved a variation to the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code to prohibit the retail sale of raw apricot kernels to consumers and to further regulate kernels that are to be added to food as an ingredient. Consumption of raw apricot kernels poses an acute public health and safety risk for consumers due to the risk of cyanide poisoning. However, raw apricot kernels are consumed intentionally by some consumers for perceived therapeutic and health benefits. The Decision Regulation Impact Statement (RIS) was prepared by FSANZ to examine the costs and benefits of options for managing the potential public health or safety issues from consumption of raw apricot kernels and to inform the FSANZ Board’s decision. Despite considerable consultation with stakeholders, including through the publication of a Consultation RIS, FSANZ did not receive sufficient data to demonstrate that a government intervention on the basis of the alternative options presented in the RIS would result in a material reduction in the level of harm. Therefore, the RIS recommended the status quo as the preferred option. The Decision RIS was assessed as compliant with the COAG RIS requirements by the Office of Best Practice Regulation.