National Transport Commission
Announcement date
20 November 2020
Problem being addressed
The widespread adoption of smartphones, as well as wireless communication, entertainment and information systems has increased the risk of distracted driving. Current rules only regulate distraction from the use of specific technology devices, that is, mobile phones and visual display units. The ambiguity of the current rules regarding modern technology makes it difficult for the public and enforcement agencies to identify the behaviours that could result in distraction, reducing the road rules’ safety benefits.
This RIS explores options to address all sources of distraction while driving and provide a technology-neutral approach to interactions with technology in the Australian Road Rules.
Assessed RIS outcome
Assessment Comments
The RIS was assessed by the Office of Best Practice Regulation as compliant with the COAG Best Practice Regulation requirements.
Regulatory burden
Option 4 (recommended option) could result in a requirement for couriers to install voice-recognition technology to comply with new requirements – indicative estimate: $150,000 p/a increased burden. However, it would enable rideshare operators to use apps legally without pulling over – indicative reduced burden: $1.2 million p/a.