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Clearing the Digital Dividend - Planning principles for restacking digital television channels RIS - Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA)

On 26 May 2011, ACMA announced planning principles for restacking digital television channels. Radio spectrum in Australia is managed by the Commonwealth Government through ACMA. Spectrum can be used for many activities including television and mobile internet. The decision to switch off analog television services has freed up significant amounts of spectrum which could be used to provide new services – the ‘digital dividend’. There are three key areas of work related to yielding the digital dividend. The first is completion of the switchover to digital television, which results in the cessation of analog television services. The second is the process of clearing digital television services from the identified digital dividend band. The third is the configuration and allocation of the cleared spectrum to new users. This RIS concerns early ACMA steps in the second process, the clearing of digital television services from the identified digital dividend band. This process is commonly referred to as the ‘restack’. The RIS has been approved by the OBPR.