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Charitable fundraising regulation reform – COAG Consultation Regulation Impact Statement – Consumer Affairs Forum

On 12 February 2012, the then Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasurer, the Hon David Bradbury MP, released a COAG Consultation Regulation Impact Statement (RIS) on reforms of charitable fundraising regulation across Commonwealth, state and territory laws. The Consultation RIS examines proposals for a new, nationally-consistent approach to the laws that govern charitable fundraising and seeks the community's views on a range of issues, including any potential exemptions for smaller charities, regulation of the conduct of fundraisers, the use of internet fundraising and fundraising by third parties on behalf of charities.  The Office of Best Practice Regulation assessed the Consultation RIS as adequate.  The Consultation RIS has been prepared by the Commonwealth Treasury on behalf of the Consumer Affairs Forum (formerly the Ministerial Council on Consumer Affairs).  The closing date for submissions was Thursday, 5 April 2012.