Regulation Impact Statement – Australian Prudential Regulation Authority
On 4 May 2015, the Chairman of the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) made two determinations that implemented revised prudential standards Prudential Standard APS 110 Capital Adequacy (APS 110) and Prudential Standard APS 330 Public Disclosures (APS 330), which incorporate new disclosure requirements for specified authorised deposit-taking institutions (ADIs). These requirements are based on additions to the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision’s disclosure framework. They aim to improve the comparability of banking institutions’ risk profiles and facilitate market discipline by providing consistent information about key risk metrics to market participants and other interested parties. The proposal includes requirements for disclosing information regarding the leverage ratio, the liquidity coverage ratio and the identification of potential global systemically important banks. The Office of Best Practice Regulation (OBPR) has assessed that the process followed by APRA and the level of analysis contained in the Regulation Impact Statement is consistent with best practice. The average annual regulatory cost is estimated by APRA to be $1.0 million and this has been agreed with the OBPR.
- Basel III disclosure requirements: leverage ratio; liquidity coverage ratio; the identification of potential global systemically important banks; and other minor amendments RIS – [
- Basel III disclosure requirements: leverage ratio; liquidity coverage ratio; the identification of potential global systemically important banks; and other minor amendments RIS – [
- Basel III disclosure requirements: leverage ratio; liquidity coverage ratio; the identification of potential global systemically important banks; and other minor amendments OBPR Assessment Advice – [
- Basel III disclosure requirements: leverage ratio; liquidity coverage ratio; the identification of potential global systemically important banks; and other minor amendments OBPR Assessment Advice – [
- Basel III disclosure requirements: leverage ratio; liquidity coverage ratio; the identification of potential global systemically important banks; and other minor amendments Chairman Certification Letter – [
- Basel III disclosure requirements: leverage ratio; liquidity coverage ratio; the identification of potential global systemically important banks; and other minor amendments Chairman Certification Letter – [