National Transport Commission
Announcement date
20 November 2020
Problem being addressed
Personal Mobility Devices (PMDs), such as electric scooters and electric skateboards, are typically small, portable and designed to carry one person over short to medium distances. These devices are growing in popularity globally as people look for more innovative and efficient ways to move around cities and communities. This shift in transportation preference, known as micro-mobility, is seeing people becoming less dependent on traditional forms of transport, such as cars, buses, trains and trams, in favour of these more individualised modes of transport.
Many PMDs are already available in Australia, however, the Australian Road Rules (ARRs) predate the emergence of most of these devices. This means most PMDs are not recognised within the existing road rules. Due to the public demand for PMDs, many jurisdictions have been under increasing pressure to introduce regulations that permit the legal use of these devices. This has resulted in PMDs operating in an undefined and increasingly inconsistent regulatory environment.
This RIS explores options for PMD access to road and path infrastructure and three speed approaches. The analysis conducted by the NTC includes an assessment of safety risks, access and amenity impacts, broader economic impacts, as well as compliance and enforcement challenges.
Assessed RIS outcome
Assessment Comments
The RIS was assessed by the Office of Best Practice Regulation as compliant with the COAG Best Practice Regulation requirements.
Regulatory burden
It is assumed that by removing general restrictions on the use of PMDs, current operators would not have to apply for exemptions going forward under Options 2, 3 (recommended option), and 4. More generally, importers and manufacturers operating across state borders would only need to comply with a common set of rules.