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Austroads - National Heavy Vehicle Driver Competency Framework Consultation RIS

Announcement date
26 August 2022

Link to announcement

Problem being addressed
Heavy vehicles are overrepresented in casualty crashes particularly those involving a fatality – while making up approximately 5% of the total vehicle fleet, they are involved in 16% of road crash fatalities and 4% of injuries. It is the role of the NHVDCF and existing heavy vehicle licensing regimes to help protect all road users by ensuring heavy vehicle drivers are sufficiently competent to safely drive the vehicle they are seeking to operate.

The National Heavy Vehicle Driver Competency Framework (NHVDCF) was developed collaboratively by governments to establish minimum competency and assessment standards for heavy vehicle drivers across Australia. It is intended to provide a framework that is adopted by all Jurisdictions in their heavy vehicle licensing regimes to ensure a nationally consistent approach to heavy vehicle driver training and competency assessment. Reforms to the NHVDCF aim to deliver improved road safety outcomes whilst supporting the use of high productivity vehicles. The proposal also seeks to provide reasonable access to heavy vehicle licences for social and personal use.
Stakeholders are invited to make written submissions by 28 October 2022.

Assessed RIS outcome
Compliant Consultation RIS

Attachment File type Size
Consultation Regulation Impact Statement pdf 4.49 MB