Announcement date
16 June 2023
Link to announcement
Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia - Past Consultations (
Problem being addressed
An ageing population, an increase in chronic health and comorbidities, and the COVID-19 pandemic have exacerbated the inequities in access to timely, safe and appropriate quality healthcare. The impact of these inequities are particularly evident in rural and remote areas, aged care, hospital settings and in settings with communities who do not always access mainstream services. Reduced access to quality healthcare contributes to individuals experiencing, in general, poorer health outcomes. There is considerable scope for innovative approaches to improve healthcare delivery that make better use of the skills and knowledge of Australia’s nursing workforce.
The proposal considers options to allow appropriately trained and supported nurses to prescribe within their scope of practice across healthcare settings is likely to reduce the pressure on Australia’s healthcare system and increase timely access to patient care and medicines.
The Consultation Regulation Impact Statement (CRIS) was prepared by the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia and is considering the following four options:
- Option 1: Continue with the status quo. This option would make no changes to the current prescribing arrangements for Registered Nurses (RNs) and the current system would continue.
- Option 2: Expand the scope of practice of RNs to prescribe Schedule 2,3,4 and 8 medicines under supervision, in accordance with governance frameworks and prescribing arrangements. This option would require NMBA to bring forward a proposed 'Registration Standard: Endorsement for scheduled medicines - designed registered nurses prescriber' for Health Ministers to approve. The option allows suitably educated, qualified and authorised RNs to expand their scope of practice to prescribe scheduled medicines.
- Option 2a: Expand the scope of practice of RNs to prescribe Scheduled 2,3 and 4 medicines only under designation/supervision. This option would not allow RNs to prescribe Schedule 8 medicines.
- Option 2b: Expand the scope of practice of RNs to prescribe Schedule 2,3,4, and 8 medicines, except for RNs working in private practice or as sole practitioners. This would exclude RNs working in private practice or as sole practitioners.
The CRIS has been assessed as compliant at this stage with the Guide to Ministers’ Meeting and National Standard Setting Bodies requirements.