Australian Energy Market Commission
Problem being addressed
There is a need for clarification of the application of National Electricity Rules (NER) requirements where multiple proponents are connected to the same dedicated connection asset (DCA).
A DCA connects an 'identified user group', which can include one or more generators and/or large loads, to a transmission network at a single connection point. The DCA framework works well where there is a single proponent in the connecting identified user group, but is inappropriate where there are multiple proponents. This is because many NER obligations and processes are unable to work where a one-to-many relationship is required at a single connection point.
The AEMC has made a rule seeking to support the more effective management of power system security and better facilitate the sharing of parts of the transmission system funded by connecting parties, while maintaining incentives to invest.
RIS outcome
Compliant with RIS Requirements for National Standard Setting Bodies
Announcement date
08 July 2021