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Safety Assurance for Automated Driving Systems

COAG Decision Regulation Impact Statement – National Transport Commission

On 15 November 2018, the Transport Ministers endorsed the Safety Assurance approach for the introduction of automated vehicles in Australia at first supply.  A Regulation Impact Statement (RIS) considered that the current regulatory environment could result in:

  • unsafe Automated Driving Systems (ADS) being deployed;
  • a lack of consumer confidence in the safety of ADSs delaying their uptake; and
  • ADS entities facing inconsistent and/or uncertain regulatory barriers when supplying to the Australian market.

The RIS identified and assessed options to address these risks including a safety assurance system based on mandatory self-certification and an option containing a primary safety duty on entities responsible for the ADS. A set of safety criteria was proposed for those entities to self-certify against a new safety assurance system. The RIS recommends a composite approach to address the safety of ADSs in which the recommended safety criteria and obligations for first supply would be incorporated into the existing vehicle certification framework administered by the Australian Government. For in-service safety, the RIS recommends further work be undertaken to identify appropriate in-service safety duties, relevant parties and institutional arrangements. This further work will allow for outcomes to be incorporated into reforms being developed for driving laws.

The RIS was prepared by the National Transport Commission in consultation other Commonwealth departments and state and territory officials. The RIS has been assessed as adequate by the Office of Best Practice Regulation (OBPR) in accordance with the Council of Australian Governments’ RIS requirements