COAG Consultation Regulation Impact Statement (RIS) – Food Standards Australia New Zealand
On 16 June 2016, Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) released a consultation RIS for a proposal to regulate food containing lupin as a food allergen. Lupin is an emerging food allergen of public health significance in Australia. Lupin belongs to the group of plants known as legumes and therefore contains proteins which are similar to those found in other legumes such as peanut and soy. Like proteins in peanut and soy proteins present in lupin can also be an allergen for some members of the community. The RIS provides a preliminary examination of the options available for managing potential health and safety outcomes of allergic reactions of lupin in the Australia and New Zealand population. A Council of Australian Government (COAG) RIS for consultation has been prepared by FSANZ, and assessed as adequate by the Office of Best Practice Regulation. FSANZ is seeking further information and feedback from industry, consumers and other stakeholders through the call for submissions. Consultations are now open and will close on 28 July 2016.