COAG Regulation Impact Statement – COAG Health Council
On 6 November 2015, the COAG Health Council agreed to regulate paramedics under the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme. The proposed regulation includes the setting of professional standards for conduct and entry to the labour force for paramedics. The Council of Australian Governments’ (COAG) best practice regulation requirements apply to decisions by ministerial councils or other bodies where there is a reasonable expectation of compliance. As such the Office of Best Practice Regulation (OBPR) has assessed that the COAG best practice regulation requirements apply in the case of the COAG decision to regulate paramedics. An adequate Regulation Impact Statement (RIS) was not prepared to inform the decision by the COAG Health Council. Consequently, the OBPR has assessed the COAG Health Council decision of 6 November as being non-compliant with the COAG best practice regulation requirements.