COAG Consultation Regulation Impact Statement – Medical Board of Australia
On 17 March 2015, the Medical Board of Australia released a consultation Regulation Impact Statement (RIS) examining options for medical practitioners who provide cosmetic medical and surgical procedures. Cosmetic medical and surgical procedures revise or change the appearance, colour, texture, structure or position of normal bodily features with the intention of achieving what the patient perceives to be a more desirable appearance or boosting the patient's self-esteem. The Consultation RIS seeks feedback on issues relating to medical practitioners who provide cosmetic medical and surgical procedures, the effectiveness of current regulation of medical practitioners providing these procedures, and whether additional safeguards are needed. The Consultation RIS considers options including maintaining the status quo, providing consumer education material, or strengthening existing guidance for medical practitioners. The Medical Board of Australia will accept submissions on this proposal until 29 May 2015. The Consultation RIS has been prepared by the Medical Board of Australia, and assessed as adequate by the Office of Best Practice Regulation under COAG best practice regulation guidelines.