In November 2013, the Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB) decided to amend the National Construction Code (NCC) to remove the existing requirement for fire hose reels in new residential buildings, other than houses, and instead require additional fire extinguishers. Currently fire hose reels are required by the NCC as a first fire attack system provided for use by residents. Although regarded as effective when used correctly, there were concerns that fire hose reels are infrequently, or are inappropriately, used by building occupants when faced by fire. Given they are also expensive to install, the contention was that fire hose reels may not be the most cost‑effective solution. A Regulation Impact Statement (RIS) compared the cost effectiveness of the status quo against replacing fire hose reels with additional fire extinguishers and found the second option delivered a net benefit of $138 million (in net present value terms) and acceptable fire safety. The ABCB office prepared a decision RIS that was provided to the Australian Building Codes Board for their decision. The RIS was assessed as compliant by the Office of Best Practice Regulation under the Council of Australian Governments requirements. The ABCB previously prepared a Consultation RIS on this matter.
- Fire Hose Reels Decision RIS [
- Fire Hose Reels Decision RIS [