On 11 April 2013 the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) Standing Council on Environment and Water (the Council) released a Consultation Regulation Impact Statement (RIS) which seeks stakeholder feedback on options to reduce emissions from wood heaters. The Consultation RIS suggests that particulate emissions (small pieces of solid matter) from wood heaters are a significant contributor to ‘ambient’, or outside, levels of particle pollution. Some studies show a strong association between exposure to increased particulate levels and adverse health impacts, including respiratory and cardiovascular effects which can increase morbidity and mortality. Some people with certain pre-existing conditions may be more acutely affected. Owners of wood heaters do not face the full cost resulting from particulate emissions from their heaters. Therefore, the level of wood heater use may be higher than the socially optimal level. The associated health impacts may provide a basis for government intervention. The RIS considers a number of policy measures that could be implemented to reduce emissions from wood heaters:
- introducing wood heater design or performance standards;
- measures to promote compliance of retail models against these standards; and
- measures influencing the in-service operational performance of wood heaters.
These measures could be delivered through a range of policy 'vehicles'. The policy delivery approaches examined are a voluntary national program, a collaborative approach or a national regulatory approach. In total the RIS considers 13 policy options. The closing date for submissions is 15 July 2013. Further information can be found at www.scew.gov.au. A Consultation RIS was prepared by the Council and assessed as adequate by the Office of Best Practice Regulation.
- Reducing Emissions from Wood Heaters [
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- Reducing Emissions from Wood Heaters [
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