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Consumers and Fuel Price Boards – COAG Consultation Regulation Impact Statement – Legislative and Governance Forum on Consumer Affairs

On 7 December 2012 the Assistant Treasurer announced the release of a consultation Regulation Impact Statement (RIS) seeking stakeholder comments on proposals for new national rules on fuel price boards. The consultation RIS notes that concerns have been raised by some motorists, Australian Consumer Law Ministers, and regulators about the display of information on fuel price boards. For example, some motorists have reported being confused about the prominence given to discounted fuel prices. These motorists have assumed that the discounted fuel is available to them unconditionally (that is, without submitting a supermarket docket or other discount vouchers). The RIS examines whether motorists suffer consumer detriment in these circumstances. The consultation RIS seeks stakeholder views on three options for addressing the identified problem:

  • No new regulation—relying on current laws, industry-led efforts and market incentives;
  • Basic national standard—ensuring only undiscounted prices can appear on fuel price boards, while allowing information about the availability of a discount scheme to be disclosed; and
  • Detailed national standard— prescribing what information, and how this information, should be displayed on fuel price boards, including prescribing that only undiscounted prices can appear, while allowing information about the availability of a discount scheme to be disclosed.

The closing date for submissions is 15 February 2013. A Consultation Regulation Impact Statement was prepared by the Treasury and was assessed as adequate by the Office of Best Practice Regulation.