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Prime Minister’s exemption – Extension of Telstra Retail Price Controls to June 2014

On 28 June 2012, the Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy announced the extension of retail price controls on Telstra fixed-line telephone services to June 2014. On Telstra’s existing network, the current arrangements for local calls, calls from payphones, calls to directory assistance and fixed-line Telstra services for low income earners will be extended for two years. However, most retail price controls will be removed from services Telstra supplies using the National Broadband Network. The cap on the price of untimed local calls of 22 cents supplied as part of a voice service will be retained under the National Broadband Network. A Regulation Impact Statement was required for this proposal but the Prime Minister granted an exemption on the basis of exceptional circumstances.  A post-implementation review will be required within 1 to 2 years of its implementation.