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Non-compliance with COAG best practice regulation requirements – National Partnership Agreement on Skills Reform – Council of Australian Governments

On 13 April 2012, the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) announced a set of reforms to the national training system. The reforms were set out in a revised National Agreement for Skills and Workforce Development and a new National Partnership Agreement on Skills Reform (NP). The NP makes a number of regulatory decisions in relation to data collection and the quality of Vocational Education and Training (VET) teaching and training. The COAG best practice regulation requirements apply to decisions by COAG, ministerial councils or other bodies where there is a reasonable expectation of widespread compliance. Under the COAG requirements a Regulation Impact Statement (RIS) is prepared for the consultation stage and for the decision stage.   As RISs were not prepared for consultation or the decision, the OBPR has assessed the proposal as being non-compliant with the COAG best practice regulation requirements.