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Amendment 1 to Edition 3 of the National Standard for Commercial Vessels - Part C Section 7A - Safety Equipment COAG Consultation RIS – National Marine Safety Committee

On 19 April 2011, the National Marine Safety Committee (NMSC) secretariat announced the release of the Council of Australian Governments’ (COAG) Consultation Regulation Impact Statement (RIS) on the requirements for the application of the National Standard for Commercial Vessels - Part C Section 7A - Safety Equipment to existing domestic commercial vessels not currently required to comply with the standard. NSCV Part C Section 7A is one of the suites of equipment standards that cover the requirements for the design, manufacture, installation, stowage, marking and scale of safety equipment to be carried on vessels in order to minimise the consequences of accidents. Feedback from stakeholders is sought by the NMSC on the specific public comment questions contained within the RIS. Comment is also welcome on any other aspect of the RIS not specifically identified for comment.  The draft RIS for consultation was assessed as adequate by the OBPR. When commenting on the RIS, it will be useful to also view the draft amendment, which is available for comment on the NMSC website.